1) What is your cesarean rate?
Our cesarean rate is less than two percent. Statistics for over 3000 births have been excellent, with low rates of anesthesia use, forceps deliveries and episiotomies.
2) Can I bring my other children to stay with me? To the delivery?
People bring their other children all the time. We require that you make arrangements for a care provider to be present for the birth.
Sometimes people have a friend or relative that comes along to assist them. If this is not possible, we may be able to assist you in finding someone to provide childcare.
We try to put you in accommodations that will be appropriate for your needs.
3) If I live too far away to come to The Farm Midwifery Center for regular prenatal care, should I receive prenatal care before I arrive for the birth?
Yes, we want you to get prenatal care where you live and send or bring all records and lab reports with you.
However, we will be doing prenatal care after you arrive as well.
4) What is the policy of pets?
Sorry. We are unable to accommodate pets.