Preliminary Statistics

Preliminary Report of 2,844 Pregnancies: 1970-2010

Total accepted for care: 2,844
Births completed at home 2,694 94.7%
Transports to hospital 148 5.2%
Cesareans 50 1.7%
First-time mothers 1048 36.8%
Multiparas 1,796 63.2%
Grand multiparas 243 8.5%
Total Breech 99 3.5%
Frank breech 75 76%
Footling/kneeling breech 24 24%
C-section rate for breech <10%
Twins 17 sets
Vaginal births 17 sets
Vaginal births after hospital transport 2 sets
Postpartum hemorrhage 46 1.7%
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, VBAC 123 out of 127 VBAC clients had a successful vaginal birth 96.8% rate of success
Intact perineum 1,817 68.7%
1st degree tear 485 19.4%
2nd degree tear 87 3.2%
3rd degree tear 8 0.3%`
4th degree tear 1 0.04%
Meconium staining 304 11.5%
Vacuum extraction (after transport) 4 .04%
Forceps deliveries (after transport) 10 0.37%
Brow presentations 10
Vaginally born 5
Face presentations 13
Vaginally born 12
Pre-Eclampsia 11 0.4%
Maternal mortality 0
Maternal morbidity 0
Neonatal mortality
1970-1979 2 of 1,083 labors